The Authority of Intellect and its Function from the Perspective of the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Full Professor, Department of Qur'an and Hadith, Tehran University


.The Holy Qur'an introduces the concept of intellect as an instrument for thinking and recognizing the facts and in several verses with different expressions, insists on activating the intellect by human. in order to convey this issue precisely and deeply to the audience, The Qur'an has used many synonymous and close concept to intellect, such as tafakur (thinking), qalb (heart), lubb (heart of the matter), nuhā (understanding), ḥijr (evidence), ḥilm (reason) and fiqh (realization). The authority of the intellect in recognizing facts has been confirmed in the Qur'an and Islamic traditions. One of the most important subject matters that should be identified by the intellect is the domain of beliefs and theology, which also leads to the perception of the prophetic mission and resurrection. Another issue perceived by the intellect is the realm of recognizing moral virtues. According to several verses and traditions, human intellect can discern good and evil, regardless of religious teachings, although some Islamic sects do not believe in this. It can be said that the power of intellect in human is like an intrinsic prophet whose discernment is authoritative and in agreement with the guidance of the prophets. Thus, from the Qur'an's point of view, the realm of intellect in knowing facts is a vast scope which comprises various subjects such as theology, ontology, anthropology and ethics. 


The Holy Qurʼan.
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